Section 4.11.1
The `rowSums` formula should read
and the `colSums` formula should read
Note: it is a little bit confusing. Following R semantics, the rowSums() method means "row-wise sum" which is the same as "sum of columns"; and vice versa, the colSums() method means "column-wise sum", which can be computed as the sum of matrix rows.
Section 6.1
The dimensions of matrix $$\mathbf{V}$$ are $$\mathbf{V}\in\mathbb{R}^{n\times k}$$.Formula (6.1) should read
Formula (6.2) - (6.3) should read
\boldsymbol{a} & = & \left(\mathbf{V}^{\top}\right)^{\text{-}1}\boldsymbol{a}_{pca}+\boldsymbol{\mu} \\
& = & \mathbf{V}\boldsymbol{a}_{pca}+\boldsymbol{\mu}.\label{eq:from-pca}
Section 8.3
In Step (1): Setup working directories and acquire data, the URL of the Wikipedia XML dump has since changed. The third command of Step (1) should read:
curl -o $WORK_DIR/wikixml/enwiki-latest-pages-articles.xml.bz2
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